Let’s Chat.

Not sure where to start? Or are you curious about learning more? Send us a message, and we’ll be in touch.

What membership are you interested in?
You won't be charged now. We will follow up via email to confirm and set up payment plans.
What are you hoping to innovate?(Required)
What can you give insight on?(Required)
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General Questions

You have questions. We have answers. 

How much does it cost?

Hardware Innovators has a one-time fee that you can pay monthly or at once. With this fee, you will have access to our private Slack channel, private events and more.

Head to our Apply page to learn more about the benefits of each membership!

Do you ever meet in person?

The Hardware Innovators are a digital mastermind group that meets through a private Slack channel and digital roundtable events. We do not currently host in-person events.

What is your cancelation policy?

Cancel at any time! If you’re not getting what you hoped out of the Hardware Innovator group, we won’t hold you back from canceling. Please notify us of your cancelation, and we will ensure that you are only charged for the last month of your membership.

Do I need to use Slack?

Slack is our main tool for communication within the Hardware Innovators group. Slack is a free program to download, and your membership will grant you access to our private channel. You will only need to create a user, and then the rest is easy.  Slack can be accessed on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone.

How do I contribute topics or resources?

The strength of the Hardware Innovators resources is from the contribution of our members. If you would like to contribute to our resource library, reach out to one of our Innovators either via Slack or through the website contact form. We will organize the best way to share your findings.

Do you allow guests?

We encourage our Innovators to invite guests to our roundtable events and webinars. If you would like to bring a guest, reach out to one of our Innovators through Slack or by submitting a contact form on the website. We will provide access and additional information to join.

How do I join the Hardware Innovators?

Just fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch about the next steps.